Our Children's Painting Competition theme for 2023: “The Incredible Edible Garden"
Big, big thank you to all those that entered their wonderful paintings for our 2023 competition.
Fantastic, fun, creative and colourful art pieces were judged by our Patron Lady Emma and at our Awards Presentation, on the 3rd October, the following results were declared:
Category Up to 6 Years
Award Name Representing School/Group/Area
3rd Layla Osiecka St Mary’s Church School, Writhligton, Radstock
2nd Alba Martin-Boullon St Joseph's Afterschool Art Club, Portishead
1st Evie Bosvigo School, Truro
Category 7 to 11 years
Award Name Representing School/Group/Area
Highly Commended Bella Whitchurch Primary, Bristol
3rd Darcie Newman St Nicholas Church School, Rastock
2nd Connie Browning 1st & 7th Exmouth Brownies, Exmouth
1st Ellen Mc Dowell St Joseph's Afterschool Art Club, Portishead
Category 12 and Over
Award Name Representing School/Group/Area
Joint Winner Connie Brougham Pickard Cape Cornwall School, St Just
Joint Winner Greta Gyulia Hayle Academy, Hayle

Connie (12 years plus) Evie (up to 6 years) Ellen (7 to 11 years) Greta (12 years plus)
Many Congratulations from all at South West In Bloom to Connie, Evie, Ellen and Greta!
The entry age groups are as follows:
- Up to 6 years old,
- 7 – 11 years old,
- 12 – 16 years old
Paintings should be a maximum of A3 in size. On the back of each painting, please list child's name, age, name of school and name of City, Town or Village and / or Bloom Group linked to.
Only one entry per age group, and they should be the winners of your local competition.
Please note artworks submitted are non-returnable unless requested and SAE provided!
The best exhibit in each age category should be sent to:
Melissa Poole, c/o 15a Moorcroft Road, Hutton, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 9RW
Our Patron Lady Emma enjoys very much assessing each year the children’s paintings - we look forward to receiving your entries.